Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This Ukulele " Jumping Flea" is a CONCERT series made of mahogany wood with steel tuners. I have a 6 string acoustic guitar as well. But i have to say there is nothing like a ukulele and it's smooth sound of island "beach" comfort. What's also cool is you can take it anywhere without it being a hassle of being so big. Fits in your backpack! (Kevin G.)

Today the ukulele is used in many modern styles and blends of Reggae, Rock and Traditional Hawaiian music, used both as a rhythm and as a lead instrument. With this new popularity, the ukulele has had many new innovations to the instrument itself. Along with the standard four-string soprano concert, tenor and baritone ukes, there are now six-, seven-, eight- and nine-string instruments being made. But one thing is for sure, the tiny little stringed instrument, that has endured the musical roller coaster, is finally getting the respect that it deserves and is here to stay, but of course, a 100 years after its introduction to Hawaii, any Hawaiian musician could have told you that.